Here are a few quick things you can do to organize your home when you only have 15 minutes:
•empty your dishwasher
•put in a load of laundry
•start a load of clothes drying
•make your bed
•fold some clean clothes
•put away your clean laundry
•clean the toilet
•clear the extra empty hangers out of your closet
•empty your trashcans
•clean the bathroom mirrors
•clean out a drawer
•clean out your purse
•clean out your wallet
•dust one room
•sweep the kitchen
•balance your checkbook
•pay a couple of bills
•straighten up one room
•file a stack of papers
•reconcile your credit card statement
•sew a missing button
•repair a ripped hem
•clip coupons from the newspaper
•make a grocery or shopping list
•make a to-do list
•plan your meals for the week
•gather up chore items to return (library books, videos, etc.)
•clean expired items out of your medicine cabinet
•clean out the fridge
•check your desk for dead pens and markers
•enter a few addresses in your book or electronic organizer
•respond to a couple of emails
•write a letter
•do the dishes
•clean out your makeup drawer
•read and sort the mail
•set out your clothes for the next day
•make lunches for the next day
•make a phone call
For other helpful tips, please visit
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